Our Grant Application period is open annually in the month of July (July 1 through July 31).

We also encourage you to learn more about the William E. Wockner Foundation, and read several of our recent impact stories. Though the Foundation’s management is active in its existing support of organizations involved in the areas of interest to Bill Wockner, we stand on the lookout for organizations so involved that have yet to be brought to our attention.

Proposer's Characteristics

Proposal Contents

There are certain features that we would like to see in a proposal: The proposing organization’s mission, history, and area of operation, its accomplishments, and sources of revenue and/or funding.

Our experience has been that some proposals are for specific undertakings whether in terms of an organization’s activities or its infrastructure. Other proposals are simply for funding to contribute to the organization’s general overhead. Some proposals involve a combination of these. All are worthy of consideration.

In some instances before a grant is made, we will need to be provided with the organization’s financial statements for a reasonable period of time. A proposal should set forth the specific dollar amount that is being requested.

Grant Applications Currently Closed

Our Grant Application Period is currently closed. Please revisit our website in July 2024, when we reopen our grant application window. Thank you!